Saturday 5 September 2015



This appendix provides Chief Information Officers (CIOs), Chief Technology Officers (CTOs) and IT managers with technical detail to support the primary reports on the topic of Wireless Security. The appendix concentrates on the WiFi and WiMAX technologies, detailing the threats and risks in these technologies and ways to manage them. The paper includes additional information regarding management, operational and technical countermeasures to the standard CIO paper, to help organise related decisions.

This technical appendix and the associated reports have been developed by the IT Security Expert Advisory Group (ITSEAG) which is part of the Trusted Information Sharing Network (TISN) 1 for critical infrastructure protection.

Wireless networks are exposed to many of the same risks as wired networks, but they are also vulnerable to additional risks. Wireless networks transmit data through radio frequencies (RF) so there is an increased chance that communications may be tapped into by intruders unless properly protected. Intruders have exploited the openness of wireless systems to access systems, destroy or steal data, launch attacks that tie up network bandwidth and deny service to authorised users, and to eavesdrop on conversations2. For example, attackers have compromised wireless systems to gain access to sensitive payment card data.

This paper should not be taken as an exhaustive technical coverage of vulnerabilities or risks associated with wireless technologies. It primarily deals with the IEEE 802.11 group of standards for Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) and the IEEE 802.16 group of standards for Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks (WMANs).

1 TISN enables the owners and operators of critical infrastructure to share information on important issues. It is made up of nine sector-specific Infrastructure Assurance Advisory Groups (IAAG), several Expert Advisory Groups (EAG), and the Critical Infrastructure Advisory Council (CIAC - which is the peak body of TISN and oversees the IAAGs and the EAGs). More information on TISN can be sought from or by contacting The ITSEAG is one of the expert advisory groups within the TISN framework. The ITSEAG provides advice to the CIAC and the sector-based IAAGs on IT security issues as they relate to critical infrastructure protection. It is made up of academic specialists, vendors, consultants and some industry association representatives who are leaders in the information technology/e-security field. The ITSEAG Secretariat can be contacted on (02) 6271 7018.

2 Page 1 Security for Wireless Networks and Devices, Shirley Raddock, National Institute of Standards

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or warranty. Accordingly, it is to be used only for the purposes specified and the reliability of
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The document is intended as a general guide only and users should seek professional advice as to
their specific risks and needs. This information is not legal advice and should not be relied upon

as legal advice.

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